Non-Alcoholic Negroni

Non-Alcoholic Negroni

The non-alcoholic Negroni is a delicious twist on the classic cocktail. It's made with all the same ingredients as a traditional Negroni, but without the alcohol. This makes it perfect for those who want to enjoy the flavor of a classic Negroni without any of the effects of alcohol.

The non-alcoholic Negroni is also incredibly customizable, allowing you to experiment with different flavors and ingredients to create your own unique version. Whether you prefer a sweeter or more bitter drink, there are plenty of options when it comes to customizing your own non-alcoholic Negroni. So why not give it a try today?

Servings: 1
Prep Time: 3 Minutes


  • 1 ounce Non-Alcoholic gin
  • 1 ounce bitter Italian apéritifi (Campari) alternative
  • 1 ounce Sweet vermouth alternative
  • Garnish: Orange peel


Step 1:
Add the gin, campari alternative, and sweet vermouth alternative to a mixing glass filled with ice and stir until chilled.

Step 2:
Strain into a glass over a large ice cube.

Step 3:
Garnish with an orange peel.

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