Kentucky Derby Cocktails Featuring Non-Alcoholic Bourbon

Kentucky Derby Cocktails Featuring Non-Alcoholic Bourbon

Get your big hats ready it's Kentucky Derby time! Enjoy this timeless tradition with a non-alcoholic mint julep cocktail or some new favorites. Below are a few tasty non-alcoholic bourbon recipes to explore, from classics to new takes on bourbon. Cheers to Derby fun without the hangover!

Classic Mint Julep



Measure and combine simple syrup and mint into cup and muddle. Add Kentucky 74. Fill with crushed ice and stir.

The Maple Bourbon Old Fashion



Add all ingredients to a mixing glass and half fill with ice. Stir until chilled, then strain into a rocks glass with one large cube. Express oil of orange peel over the drink and drop in a cherry.

Spiritless Watermelon Mint Julep


  • 2 oz. Spiritless Kentucky 74
  • 1 ½ oz. Watermelon Juice
  • ½ oz. Simple Syrup (1:1 sugar to water)
  • ½ oz. Lime Juice
  • Mint
  • Black Salt


Put all ingredients in julep cup or glass. Add 5 mint leaves and muddle. Add ice preferably crushed or pebble ice. Garnish with mint watermelon and sprinkle black salt.  

Whiskey Smash (similar to the mint julep)



In a rocks glass, gently muddle mint with simple syrup to release the oils. Add lemon wheels and muddle to release juice. Add crushed ice or small cubes, add 2 dashes of bitters and pour bourbon over. Swizzle gently to mix. Garnish with a mint sprig and more lemon.

Off to the races and cheers to all the Derby fans out there!